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Ruler Background Color

4 Answers 139 Views
Scheduler and Reminder
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Jeff asked on 15 Mar 2013, 01:43 AM
When I set the ruler background color using the UI Editor, it shows properly in design time but in run time the color is set back the default. I have attached an image showing where I set the color.

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answered on 16 Mar 2013, 10:34 PM
Something is overwriting settings at run time on several of these controls. I was able to solve this, and several other style problems in a similar manner. It would be nice if the settings in design time would carry over into run time.

This is the code I used to fix the color problem.
Dim SchedElement As SchedulerDayViewElement = RadScheduler1.SchedulerElement.ViewElement
SchedElement.DataAreaElement.Ruler.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 151, 0)
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answered on 18 Mar 2013, 01:40 PM
I still need some help. I found the solution for the DayView but I need the code for WeekView and MonthView. 

My problem would be solved if the changes I made in design time using the UI Editor weren't overwritten. Even using the ControlSpy, when I switch from view to view the settings are overwritten after I change them.
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answered on 18 Mar 2013, 03:36 PM
Well, another hour later and I've found a solution. I'm not sure why the UI Editor settings don't work for these elements, but this code does. 
Only run the code for the specific view, otherwise you get an error. I run the code each time the view is changed.

I have custom navigation buttons and this is the Sub I run after they are clicked. I set "ActiveNavButton" to the name of the button and perform the steps needed to make it look right. At the end I set focus to the parent panel. This removes the thick border around the button that was clicked.

Hope this helps anyone who's been dealing with a similar issue.

Private Sub SetActiveNav()
    ButtonDay.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 159, 60)
    ButtonWeek.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 159, 60)
    ButtonMonth.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 159, 60)
    ButtonTimeline.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 159, 60)
    Select Case ActiveNavButton
        Case "ButtonDay"
            ButtonDay.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 105, 39)
            Dim SchedElement As SchedulerDayViewElement = RadScheduler1.SchedulerElement.ViewElement
            SchedElement.DataAreaElement.Ruler.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 159, 60)
        Case "ButtonWeek"
            ButtonWeek.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 105, 39)
            Dim SchedElement As SchedulerDayViewElement = RadScheduler1.GetWeekView.Scheduler.SchedulerElement.ViewElement
            SchedElement.DataAreaElement.Ruler.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 159, 60)
        Case ("ButtonMonth")
            Dim SchedElement As SchedulerMonthViewElement = RadScheduler1.GetMonthView.Scheduler.SchedulerElement.ViewElement
            For Each Child As RadElement In SchedElement.VerticalHeader.Children
                Dim Cell As SchedulerHeaderCellElement = TryCast(Child, SchedulerHeaderCellElement)
                If Cell IsNot Nothing Then
                    Cell.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 159, 60)
                End If
            ButtonMonth.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 105, 39)
        Case "ButtonTimeline"
            ButtonTimeline.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 105, 39)
    End Select
End Sub

Telerik team
answered on 19 Mar 2013, 01:03 PM
Hi Jeff,

Thank you for writing.

As you noticed, when you change the view, the elements in RadScheduler are being recreated and you are loosing your design time settings. Another useful place to use your code would be the ActiveViewChanged event of the control, which is fired when the users changes the view.

Thank you for sharing you solution.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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Scheduler and Reminder
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