Using a RadGridView to make operation on a datatable/dataset,
If I create or edit a record, and the click on another line, or event some times on another cell from the same line/record,
I get an exception in 'Program.cs' (the starter class generated by Visual Studio containing Main() method)
on line Application.Run(new MyForm());
It say 'NoNullAllowedException crosser a native/manager boundary.'/'Column ... does not allow null.'
It seems that this exception can not be caught so my app crashes.
It doesn't seem to be firing the cell end edit event.
I understand this come from the dataset validation.
If the user strictly can not click out of the row while all data are not filled and valid, I think that's too restrictive.
How could I catch or manager this exception in a more user friendly way ? If possible.
Thank you for help,
Using a RadGridView to make operation on a datatable/dataset,
If I create or edit a record, and the click on another line, or event some times on another cell from the same line/record,
I get an exception in 'Program.cs' (the starter class generated by Visual Studio containing Main() method)
on line Application.Run(new MyForm());
It say 'NoNullAllowedException crosser a native/manager boundary.'/'Column ... does not allow null.'
It seems that this exception can not be caught so my app crashes.
It doesn't seem to be firing the cell end edit event.
I understand this come from the dataset validation.
If the user strictly can not click out of the row while all data are not filled and valid, I think that's too restrictive.
How could I catch or manager this exception in a more user friendly way ? If possible.
Thank you for help,