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Row border - visibility and colors

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Mark asked on 09 Mar 2015, 08:24 PM
I want to display the bottom border of by rows in white so that I get a nice single line between rows.

I have played with code like:

Private Sub RadGridView1_RowFormatting(sender As Object, e As Telerik.WinControls.UI.RowFormattingEventArgs) Handles RadGridView1.RowFormatting

e.RowElement.DrawBorder = True
e.RowElement.BorderColor = Color.White
e.RowElement.BorderTopWidth = 0
e.RowElement.BorderBottomWidth = 2
e.RowElement.BorderLeftWidth = 0
e.RowElement.BorderRightWidth = 0


Private Sub RadGridView1_CellFormatting(sender As Object, e As Telerik.WinControls.UI.CellFormattingEventArgs) Handles RadGridView1.CellFormatting
e.CellElement.DrawBorder = True
e.CellElement.BorderColor = Color.White
e.CellElement.BorderTopWidth = 0
e.CellElement.BorderBottomWidth = 4 ' Setting to 1 or 2 didn't show
e.CellElement.BorderLeftWidth = 0
e.CellElement.BorderRightWidth = 0

but either I cannot get anything to display until I set the bottom width to 4 pixels, or I get lots of other border items shown as well.

Any ideas please?

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answered on 12 Mar 2015, 11:26 AM
Hello Mark,

The CellFormatting event is the right place for this - you are on the right path. The only thing you need to set is the BorderBoxStyle property as well:
e.CellElement.DrawBorder = True
e.CellElement.BorderBoxStyle = BorderBoxStyle.FourBorders
e.CellElement.BorderBottomColor = Color.Red
e.CellElement.BorderBottomWidth = 1
e.CellElement.BorderTopWidth = 0
e.CellElement.BorderLeftWidth = 0
e.CellElement.BorderRightWidth = 0

I hope that you find this information useful. Should you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us.


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