Thank you
14 Answers, 1 is accepted
To create a rectangle Shape item with a rounded corners, you have to set the ShapeType property to Square and the Rounding property to integer greater then 0.
Check out the attached screenshoot of the Shape's property grid.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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We don't have out of the box solution for setting the Table or TextBox items with rounded corners. Our suggestion is to use textboxes to achieve rounder corners- instead of using a shape item, you use 9 textboxes or 5 at best. I've attached a screenshot of how it should look like and you should prepare the background images to respect the sizes of those items used as "borders".
Kind regards,Peter
the Telerik team
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Two questions to this old post... I am using the solution posted above of creating 9 text boxes to achieve the look we want which is data on a white panel with rounded corners on a gray background. The graphic designer created a Top Left Corner for me, which I had to shrink down considerably (.1"x.1") so as not to take up too much space... therefore my top 3 boxes and bottom 3 boxes will only be .1" in height.
1) is there a way for me to rotate this corner image I have so that I can use it on the other 3 corners? I tried a few things, but couldn't get the back ground image (aka my corner graphic) to rotate.
2) Although, the report looks great in preview, when I export the report to PDF, the corner image now looks like it has a number of imperfections or flack. How can I correct this? (please see attached 2 images)
Thank you,
Hello Colleen,
You can add a new feature request in our Feedback portal for the required functionality mentioned on your first question. Currently, we do not support it out-of-the-box. About the issue with the exported PDF file, we will need a runnable report demonstrating the problem, so we can investigate it on our end and check what causes the unexpected behavior.
Progress Telerik
I tried to attach a very basic report you can run and export to see the issue I'm facing, but your forum will not let me attach it as it is not an allowable file type. is there another way I can send my .trdp file?
"The selected file(s) cannot be attached because it may exceed the maximum attachment size (2 MB) or is from not allowed type (allowed: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png)."
Hi Colleen,
You can upload it to cloud storage (for example Dropbox) and then send us the link to the file. Note that the report should contain (sample) data - it has to be runnable.
Progress Telerik
I just logged in to see if there has been an update, and my reply from 9 days ago did not post. Here is what I meant to reply:
Thank you Neli,
here is a link to the document.
I just tried and you can still access the file.
Thanks again
Hi Colleen,
I inspected the report and the pictures used for the corners. It seems that the images' quality is low. I also noticed some dark stains on the corners. I suggest trying with images with higher quality. You may consider also using vector instead of bitmap images.
Progress Telerik
I will pass along your suggestion regarding using a vector image vs the png file I was provided.
I wanted to get clarifications from you regarding the "dark stains".... are you saying you see dark stains in the Telerik preview?
Thanks again
Hi Colleen,
I am sorry for misleading you in my last reply. The PictureBox value indeed cannot be a vector image. What I meant with vector images was using Shapes due to the fact that you can set the Rounding property for the Square shape.
I discussed the issue with our development team. The behavior is resulted by the incorrect processing of the transparent parts of the image by the PDF rendering.
To avoid this outcome in PDF rendering, I suggest modifying the corners' images. Remove their transparency and put as background color the background of the GroupHeader section. Then in the report, set only the Value of the picture box, without setting the Background Image property.
You may check the updated version of the top left image and the report in the attached archive.
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