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RichTextBoxUI Theme

3 Answers 209 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Rieni De Rijke
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Rieni De Rijke asked on 26 May 2011, 08:19 PM
How can I change the theme of the RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI / DocumentRuler / RadRichTextBox to one of the telerik themes
(Windows 7, Office Blue, Office Black, Summer, Vista, Expr.Dark...) ?

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Iva Toteva
Telerik team
answered on 31 May 2011, 07:48 AM
Hello Rieni De Rijke,

RadRichTextBox and RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI inherit the theme that is set to the Application, i.e. if you have set the Office_Silver theme to the application in the following way:

public MainPage()
    StyleManager.ApplicationTheme = new Office_SilverTheme();

it will be applied to the ribbon and all pop-ups that the rich text box uses. You can also set the theme in XAML, using the attached property

However, the blue "background" of the editor in Paged layout mode will not be changed.
When it comes to the DocumentRuler and RadRichTextBoxStatusBar, they are currently not customizable and a theme cannot be applied to them at all in this version. 
We will be extending the support of themes in all controls in the next release - the Q2 Beta in mid or late June and a theme would be applied to all above-mentioned controls and the background of the rich text box.
I hope this timeline will fit your development plans.

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answered on 25 Jun 2012, 10:34 AM
Good morning,

I am also having some difficulty when trying to set the theme of my application.

My solution consists of two projects, where both projects contain a RadRichTextBox.

In "Project1" I set the theme like so:
StyleManager.ApplicationTheme = new Office_BlueTheme();

From "Project1" I invoke the RadRichTextBox in "Project2". I then set a different theme for the RichTextBox in "Project2":
//Set Theme
StyleManager.ApplicationTheme = new Office_BlackTheme();

All of the above works fine. The trouble I have is that when I close "Project2" the black theme is then applied to the controls in "Project1". How can I set the theme in "Project2" so that it doesn't change the theme of the controls in "Project1" ?

Thank you for your time and help.

Telerik team
answered on 28 Jun 2012, 10:26 AM
Hi Robert,
All elements created after changing the application theme will be styled using the new theme set. On the other side, styling separate instances of RadRichTextBox using StyleManager is not supported.
Depending on the version of controls you are using (the theming mechanism was introduced in 2012 Q1 SP1), you can try to use the implicit styling mechanism, creating additional RadRichTextBox style based on the style from your secondary theme (Office Black), and setting them explicitly to the second instance.

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Rieni De Rijke
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Answers by
Iva Toteva
Telerik team
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