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RibbonWindow maximized - bottom is hidden under taskbar

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RibbonView and RibbonWindow
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Heiko asked on 21 Jul 2015, 09:17 AM

We use a RibbonWindow as our main window for the application. Everything works fine except when maximized: the bottom part of the window is hidden under the taskbar. (Version: 2015.1.225.45) Here is the definition of the window:

01.<telerik:RadRibbonWindow x:Name="ShellWindow"
02.                         x:Class="ASC.Pilot.Shell"
03.                         AutomationProperties.AutomationId="AID_ShellWindow"
04.                         xmlns=""
05.                         xmlns:x=""
06.                         xmlns:prism=""
07.                         xmlns:inf="clr-namespace:ASC.Infrastructure;assembly=ASC.Infrastructure"
08.                         xmlns:telerik=""
09.                         xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:ASC.Controls;assembly=ASC.Controls"
10.                         xmlns:local="clr-namespace:ASC.Pilot"
11.                         Height="920" Width="1440"
12.                         WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen"
13.                         WindowState="Normal"
14.                         Icon="van.png"
15.                         AllowsTransparency="True"
16.                         WindowStyle="None"
17.                         ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
18.                         ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
19.    <telerik:RadRibbonWindow.Resources>
20.        <ResourceDictionary>
21.            <Style TargetType="local:Shell" BasedOn="{StaticResource RadRibbonWindowStyle}">
22.                <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="2" />
23.            </Style>
24.        </ResourceDictionary>
25.    </telerik:RadRibbonWindow.Resources>
26.    <Grid x:Name="mainGrid" x:Uid="mainGrid"
27.          AutomationProperties.AutomationId="AID_MainGrid" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
28.        <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
29.            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
30.        </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
31.        <Grid.RowDefinitions>
32.            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
33.            <RowDefinition Height="*" />
34.            <RowDefinition Height="25" />
35.        </Grid.RowDefinitions>
36.        <ContentControl x:Name="menuContent"  Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"
37.                        prism:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static inf:RegionNames.MenuRegion}"
38.                        VerticalAlignment="Stretch"
39.                        HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"></ContentControl>
40.        <ContentControl x:Name="mainContent"  Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0"
41.                        prism:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static inf:RegionNames.MainRegion}"
42.                        VerticalAlignment="Stretch"
43.                        HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"></ContentControl>
44.        <ContentControl x:Name="statusbarContent" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"
45.                        prism:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static inf:RegionNames.StatusBarRegion}" />
46.    </Grid>

What is going wrong?


3 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 24 Jul 2015, 09:05 AM
Hi Neils,

This is a know issue in the referenced version (2015.1.225) of our controls - the bottom border of the window is clipped with few pixels. This is already fixed in our latest official release. I recommend you to wait for our next release which will be live by the end of the month and test your implementation with it. If the issue still persists on your side, I would ask you to let us know so that we can help you in resolving it. 

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answered on 27 Jul 2015, 08:15 PM

We have a similar issue with maximize where under certain conditions our QA team maximizes on a single monitor system and the window is horizontally shifted about half a screen.  Which makes it so you can't access the min, restore down, maximize buttons.  Our QA team is also playing with the taskbar options in order to try and repro the issue.

Once in this state all future maximizes of the running program have the same result.

Will the next release resolve this issue as well?

 Are there any events I can trap to try and figure out what's going on?






Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 29 Jul 2015, 07:54 AM
Hello Marc,

We are not aware of the described issue. This is why I would ask you to elaborate more on your case by providing the following information:
  • Can you tell me under what conditions the issues occurs and steps to reproduce it?
  • Can you tell me what operation system you are testing on?
  • Can you send me drawings that demonstrates the issue?
  • If you can have a custom style for the ribbon window, can you send it over?
Since this is a different topic, I would also ask you to open a new support ticket with the additional information and the description of the issue. This way we will be able to track our communication history easier.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

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RibbonView and RibbonWindow
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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
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