Retrieving the files list from the <Upload> component

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David asked on 10 May 2023, 05:44 AM

I know that each listItemUI child has info about the file passed into it by props,

but is there a way to get a full list from the parent <Upload> component?

A callback function maybe?

for example:
<Upload getFileList = {getFileList} />

const getFileList = (list) => {

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answered on 11 May 2023, 01:58 PM

Hello, David.

I would suggest rendering the Upload component in a controlled mode.

This can be achieved by handling its onAdd, onRemove, onProgress, and onStatusChange events. These events contain the `affectedFiles` which shows the list of affected files, and the `newState` which contains all the files. In addition, you should set a state variable to the `newState` and pass it to the files prop.

This will allow you to access all the uploaded files through this state variable:

For more information about rendering the Upload component in controlled mode, check the following article:

I hope this matches what you need, but please let me know if you have any further questions.

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