I'm trying to retain the value of the combobox on action error. After the user selects an option from the combobox, I run a database query to check if the option selected is valid, if not, I want the previous option to stay selected. Example: Combobox value = "N/A", user selects "COMPLETED", db check fails, combobox value should be 'N/A". I add the code below, hope to get some help with this.
[placeholder]="'Change State...'"
(valueChange)="updateTaskStatePerExperiment($event, task, experiment)"
if (taskId === 17) { // Pre Review task needs an extra check
this.checklistApiService.getPreReviewTrackValue(this.expId).subscribe(data => {
let dataLength = data.length;
if (dataLength != 0) { //there is a track value set, so it's ok to change
this.updateTaskHelper(taskId, status, taskItem, experimentItem);
} else { //there is no track value
if (status != 'COMPLETED') { //setting status other than Completed is ok
this.updateTaskHelper(taskId, status, taskItem, experimentItem);
} else { //status is 'Completed' so throw error
this.stateListComboDefaultDict[taskItem.id] = "TEST";
// this.populateCategoryChildren(this.gateId); // @TODO find a better way to clear 'COMPLETED' and keep the previous value that should not change
let toast:Toast = {
type: 'error',
title: 'Task status could not be updated',
body: 'The task could not be updated. Please select a Review Track in the Pre Review tab',
showCloseButton: true
}, err =>{
console.log("Request Service Error => [getPreReviewTrackValue in gate-checklist page] generated while getting review track " + err);
return false;
} else {
this.updateTaskHelper(taskId, status, taskItem, experimentItem);