I am using a RadPanelBar to allow my users to select a report category, then a report in the category. Once the user clicks the report the selected event is fired and I hide the RadPanelBar and go show them the report. If they come back to the report selection, I have left the RadPanelBar exactly as they left it, with the last report they selected highlighted. Everything thing up till this point is great. However, if they want to go back to the report they just saw, and select the already selected RadPanelBar item, no Selected event is fired. I've tried other RadPanelBar events such as MouseDown, etc., nothing works. Does anyone know how to detect the reselection of an already selected item?
I'm using a HierarchicalDataTemplate to display the RadPanelBarItems and it is bound to an ObservableCollection. I can have a MouseDown event on one of the TextBoxes in the template, but then it fires before the RadPanelBar Selected event. Therefore, it's very hard to know from the template MouseDown event what is going on. Is the user reselecting an item, choosing another, etc? It seems that to make an intelligent template MouseDown event handler work correctly, you are abandoning the RadPanelBar Selected property and doing it all on your own. Is there something I'm missing here?
I'm using a HierarchicalDataTemplate to display the RadPanelBarItems and it is bound to an ObservableCollection. I can have a MouseDown event on one of the TextBoxes in the template, but then it fires before the RadPanelBar Selected event. Therefore, it's very hard to know from the template MouseDown event what is going on. Is the user reselecting an item, choosing another, etc? It seems that to make an intelligent template MouseDown event handler work correctly, you are abandoning the RadPanelBar Selected property and doing it all on your own. Is there something I'm missing here?