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ReportViewer window is not resizing

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Gilbert van Veen
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Gilbert van Veen asked on 12 Aug 2010, 03:22 PM
Can some explain why my ReportViewer Height is not changing according the heigt of my RadWindow?

When I change the horizontal size the reportviewer changes as it should be. When I change my vertical heigt then it doesn't change?

Header="Report window" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" Top="-5" Width="550" Height="539" ResizeMode="CanResize">
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
            <!--<RowDefinition Height="478"/>-->
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="27"/>
        <Telerik_ReportViewer_Silverlight:ReportViewer x:Name="ReportViewer" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" Height="475" Grid.Row="0" ReportServerUri="../ReportService.svc" 
            Report="GaSuiteReportLib.EmergencyReport, GaSuiteReportLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"  ZoomPercent="80" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
        <Button x:Name="OKButton" Grid.Row="1" Content="OK" Click="OKButton_Click" Width="75" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Margin="0,0,0,3"/>

For some reason the ReportViewer height of 475 stays. I have also changed this into * etc. but that won't help me?

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Telerik team
answered on 13 Aug 2010, 01:06 PM
Hello Gilbert van Veen,

There is a Height attribute set to the report viewer and most likely this is causing the problem:

<Telerik_ReportViewer_Silverlight:ReportViewer x:Name="ReportViewer" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" Height="475" Grid.Row="0" ReportServerUri="../ReportService.svc"
    Report="GaSuiteReportLib.EmergencyReport, GaSuiteReportLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"  ZoomPercent="80" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>

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Gilbert van Veen
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Rank 1
answered on 13 Aug 2010, 01:44 PM
Many thanks,

Just missed that one!
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Gilbert van Veen
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Gilbert van Veen
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