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ReportViewer sometimes missing tool bar icons in IE

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LQKerry asked on 19 Aug 2019, 05:34 PM

I have a puzzling "issue" that I am trying to help track down or better understand. I have one user who can readily recreate an issue where no tool bar buttons display on a ReportView control on a page that uses a ReportViewer to display a report. Everyone else on our team is unable to recreate the issue. But, to do my due diligence I am doing research to see if I can maybe understand why that user may be having the issue and to try and make sure it doesn't become an entire user base issue. If all of us could recreate the issue I would open a ticket, but with that not being the case I am just looking for some help.

Our environment:

ASP.Net AJAX Web Forms



Steps the one user does to consistently create issue:

1. In IE 11 go to one page that has a report that renders via the ReportViewer.

2. Go to a second page that has a report that renders via the ReportViewer.

3. Go to a third page that has a report that renders via the ReportViewer.

The report renders, but the tool bar show no buttons.

In the IE console the user see an error "@font-face failed cross-origin request. Resource access is restricted. WebComponentsIcons-eot"


While I am unable to recreate the issue, via Fiddler I do see some interesting 404 responses when the pages with the ReportViewer control on them load. All of the following requests get 404 responses via IE 11.

404 HTTP our-domain /OurApp/fonts/glyphs/WebComponentsIcons.eot?gedxeo 1,245 text/html iexplore:19312
404 HTTP ourt-domain /OurApp/fonts/glyphs/WebComponentsIcons.ttf?gedxeo 1,245 text/html iexplore:19312

404 HTTP our-domain /OurApp/fonts/glyphs/WebComponentsIcons.woff?gedxeo 1,245 text/html iexplore:19312

Another interesting thing is that via Chrome in Fiddler there are 404 responses for only the last two (tff and woff) and never even see a request for the eot.

Again, I do not have the issue with the missing icons in the tool bar of the report viewer, but I seems odd as I get 404s for WebComponentsIcons.


Any help trouble shooting this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Kerry Doan

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answered on 22 Aug 2019, 02:48 PM

Hello Kerry,

Internet Explorer is confirmed to have issues with loading icon fonts - occasionally it does not load the font that we use to display the toolbar buttons. We have clients complaining about the same, so we tested and managed to reproduce this problem consistently in a specific version of IE - 11.0.15063.0.

We also write a knowledge base article on the topic - Html5 Report Viewer toolbar icons not rendered in IE browser. It seems to be related to caching when the fonts for the icons are loaded from the browser cache an error is thrown (check the browser console). When the cache is cleared and the fonts are loaded from the real resources the Toolbar is displayed correctly.

Additionally, another approach will be to update the IE browser to overcome the issue.

Best Regards, Silviya
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