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ReportViewer Parameters Area disabled

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Francisco asked on 19 Sep 2019, 04:01 PM
Telerik version SP1.

function createSingleSelectEditor(placeholder, options) {
            var dropDownElement = $(placeholder).html('<div></div>');
            var parameter,
                  valueChangedCallback = options.parameterChanged,
            function onChange() {
                var val = dropDownList.value();
                valueChangedCallback(parameter, val);
            return {
                beginEdit: function (param) {
                    parameter = param;
                        dataTextField: "name",
                        dataValueField: "value",
                        value: parameter.value,
                        dataSource: parameter.availableValues,
                        change: onChange
                    dropDownList = $(dropDownElement).data("kendoDropDownList");

            .ParameterEditors(p =>

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answered on 23 Sep 2019, 01:48 PM

Hello Francisco,

It seems that the style of the report viewer's template is broken. I used the provided code in a sample application. However, everything worked as expected.

I suggest inspecting the page through the dev tools of the browser. Check if the style of any of the elements overrides the style of the report parameters area or if there are any errors. 

For more information on how to use dropdown instead of a list, refer to How To: Create a Custom Parameter Editor article.

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