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ReportSource vs DataSource

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Jonathan asked on 05 Jun 2019, 03:55 PM
Hello. I'm trying to find an explanation of what the difference is between ReportSource And DataSource in Telerik Reporting. Also, is there an analogy that the two could be compared to? Many thanks for your time.

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answered on 10 Jun 2019, 08:45 AM
Hello Jonathan,

The ReportSource contains information about the report that needs to be rendered and should be passed to the Reporting engine. It should identify the report definition to be used and the values of the Report Parameters the report needs to be rendered with. The ReportSource is a property of report viewers, report designers, report items or actions that contain/render/print reports. For additional information, please visit ReportSource article.

About the DataSource, this is the data that is visualized by the report. The DataSource is a property of report data items. It contains information on where the item should fetch its data from. Each data item has a detail section, where it will render its data - one detail section instance for each data record.
The Telerik Reporting Data Source Components allow you to connect report items to different types of data sources such as database or middle-tier business objects, without additional code. For example, you can connect to a SQL datasource and then you can represent the data from it in a Table or a Graph.

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