Reports without preview

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Report Viewer - ASP.NET
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Mayking asked on 19 Sep 2022, 01:30 PM
I have a web project in Asp.NetCore and reports in telerik already created, what I need is to be able to have an option in my web view which only has a button which calls the report and which is downloaded in PDF format automatically without having a view prior to the report Is there any option on how to do it?

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Telerik team
answered on 21 Sep 2022, 09:09 AM

Hello Mayking,

Please see the Exporting a report to PDF programmatically KB article for details on how to achieve that.

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answered on 14 Nov 2023, 03:21 PM

Me gustaria saber como realizar que mis paneles sigan juntos sin necesidad de hacer salto de pagina ya que cuando mis paneles traen poca data salta la pagina y deja espacios en blanco.

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Telerik team
commented on 16 Nov 2023, 02:06 PM

Hello Mayking,

I used Google Translate to detect the language and translate the text to English, this was the result:

I would like to know how to keep my panels together without needing to jump pages since when my panels have little data the page jumps and leaves blank spaces.

Your support

If I understand correctly, you have blank spaces coming from panels, you may try to set their CanShrink property to True which will allow the engine to shrink the panel only to fit its content and any unnecessary space will be cut - Designing the Basic Layout of the Report - Telerik Reporting.

If you also have completely blank pages, please refer to the Remove Blank Pages from PrintPreview - Telerik Reporting article for details on how to remove them from the document.

I hope this will help. Let me know if you have additional questions.


Report Viewer - ASP.NET
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