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Reporting vs. Document Processing

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Evan asked on 07 Aug 2019, 11:18 PM

We are working on a report feature in our web app, and we are not sure if we need to be using Reporting or the Document processing.

I have attached the report template that I am trying to create in our application to this thread as an example. There are some simple tables as well as some indent formatting of data that will be needed. Our data to populate the report will be retrieved using a REST service api call.


I have started on making the report in the Telerik reporting, but I can only control page breaks through creating new groupings. Right now I have individual pages in the group headers and footers. Is this normal for creating a report that has to have page breaks?


Another issue I have run across is the ability to export the report as a word document and having the user fill in sections on their own. This is hard to do with the report tool because the sizes of the text boxes are fixed sizes when they get exported, which can cause the users not enough room to enter their text.


What are the main differences between the Reporting tool and Document Processing? I have noticed that the Reporting tool has more capabilities to display data in an appealing way, but that isn't really needed for this report.


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answered on 08 Aug 2019, 08:10 AM
Information whatever i know
Telerik team
answered on 12 Aug 2019, 06:55 PM
Hello Evan,

Let me start with the Telerik Reporting product. Its main purpose is indeed to generate data-driven reports with appealing data presentation. In your scenario the WebServiceDataSource should be a suitable solution for providing the data for the report.
Page breaks can be forced only for report sections/groups, e.g. GroupHeader/Footer, etc. Page Breaks are supported also in Table/List/Crosstab groups. This is by design and is due to the data-oriented nature of the reporting tool. More information can be found in the Understanding Pagination article.
The reports are generated also with printing in mind. Therefore, there are limitations with respect to the possibility for editing reports after their generation. Note that the report is exported in Word format as nested Tables - Design Considerations for Word Rendering. This makes the exported Word files suitable mainly for reading.

RadWordsProcessing on the other hand is part of the DocumentProcessing bundle of UI independend libraries and it allows you to create, modify and export documents. Using the API, you can access each element in the document and also modify it, remove it or add a new one. The content then can be saved as a stream, file, or to be send to the client browser. 
There are three types of breaks supported by the library - Line, Page and Column. More about it can be found in our Breaks article. 
Tables are also supported and can be easily inserted and modified. 
Please find a list of Developer focused examples that will help you get started with the library - Developer Focused Examples.

Should any questions arise, please let me know.

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