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sree devi
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sree devi asked on 04 Sep 2009, 03:23 PM
Hi All,
I have a  probem and its urgent I am trying to generate a report tht has 4 sections and two of them r are tables the other sections work fine.
For the tables I am using datasets and in the datadapter I can see the data its returning but for some reason I cannot see it on the report.I am using a reportviewer. am attaching the code for report.cs

public partial class Report1 : Telerik.Reporting.Report
        public Report1()
            /// <summary>
            /// Required for telerik Reporting designer support
            /// </summary>

            this.DataSource = null;
            // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call

        private void Report1_NeedDataSource(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.oracleDataAdapter1.SelectCommand.Parameters["@Account_number"].Value = this.ReportParameters["Account_number"].Value;
            Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report report = (Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report)sender;
            report.DataSource = this.oracleDataAdapter1;


and aspx.cs code is
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string strAccountNumber = "000000000000";
            //string strAccountNumber = SQLStatic.Sessions.GetSessionValue(Request.Cookies["Session_ID"].Value.ToString(), "account_number");
              Section6.Report1 report = new Section6.Report1();
            ReportViewer1.Report = report;
please help its urgent.

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Telerik team
answered on 07 Sep 2009, 08:06 AM
Hello sree devi,

As far as we understand, your inquiry is about problems with the table report item, while you have not provided any code relevant to the issue you talk about. The Table/Crosstab/List items can be looked upon as separate data regions, so you need to provide datasource for them separate through the DataSource property or their own NeedDataSource event i.e. using fields from the report's datasource into table that is placed in the report is not applicable.

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the Telerik team

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sree devi
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