Hi Telerik
I just want to let you know my thought. I am using the Telerik Reporting Q1 2009 and trying to use the Report Parameters extensively. But doing so i come across a small bug, on using Multiple value parameters shown as a list of checkbox under a dropdown pulldown box. I made the selection for a bunch of data by checking them. When i go out of focus, the dropdown text shows my selection with semi-colon seperated and that's cool. By the way if i click the dropdown again it looks like it forgets all my selection and i got to do that again.
It will be nice if it remembers the selection made in the checkboxes if out of focus and it will be far better if it remembers that after the Preview has been clicked. Although its kind of remembers in the dropdown textbox (csv) but as soon i click on the dropdown everything wipes out.
Please let me know if you have done that for some purpose but i feel the usability is hard in that case.