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ReportBook not showing in ReportViewer

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Peter asked on 10 Nov 2010, 07:57 PM
I hope I haven't missed a post, but somehow I can't get the reportbook (Q2-2010) working. I've got the following code:

srMTO.MTOwsSoapClient soaplink = new srMTO.MTOwsSoapClient();
dsCompleteQuestionnaire1 = soaplink.GetCompleteQuestionnaire( QuestionnaireId );
Telerik.Reporting.Report QuestionnaireReport =
new reports.rap_CompleteQuestionnaire();
QuestionnaireReport.DataSource = dsCompleteQuestionnaire1;
QuestionnaireReport.DataMember =
ReportBook QuestionnaireBook =
new ReportBook();
//QuestionnaireBook.Reports.Add( new Rapporten.rap_CompleteQuestionnaire_Front() )
QuestionnaireBook.Reports.Add( QuestionnaireReport );
reportForm.SelectedReportBook = QuestionnaireBook;
(last two lines are in reality not commented)

and the other form (reportForm with the ReportViewer):

Telerik.Reporting.ReportBook report = SelectedReportBook;
this.reportViewer1.Report = report;

I had it working for the QuestionnaireReport (the same way), but realized I needed a front page. So I needed the ReportBook. But the content is just not showing. Neither with just the QuestionnaireReport.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

PS. I know that the DataMember of the report is obsolete, but attaching it to the objectdatasource this way is not working (for me).

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