I have two reports and code will be given below ..
Report7 objreport1 = new MyReportLib.Report7();
objreport1.DataSource = dt1;
Report8 objreport1 = new MyReportLib.Report8();
objreport2.DataSource = dt1;
I want to display these 2 report in ReportBookControl ...
I am using the code ...
ReportBook reportBook = new ReportBook();
reportBook.Reports.Add(new MyReportLib.Report7());
reportBook.Reports.Add(new MyReportLib.Report8());
ReportBookControl1.Reports.Add(new MyReportLib.Report7());
ReportBookControl1.Reports.Add(new MyReportLib.Report8());
ReportViewer1.Report = ReportBookControl1;
but no report is displaying in the report viewer.
How can I display these reports into reportbook control and then to reportviewer.
Thanks In advance .