I have a dynamic report viewer in my Blazor solution, when I call the viewer first time it works fine, but when I call different report or same report with different parameter's it load the data but does not show it until i hit refresh button,
here is the calling methods of the report
protected async Task OPEN_REPORT_Onclick()
ParamsComponent = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "Params", null },
{ "rptName", "test.trdp" },
{ "OnClosed", EventCallback.Factory.Create(this, OnClosed) }
TypeComponent = typeof(DynamicReportViewer);
await js.OpenDialog("report-modal");
protected async Task OPEN_REPORT2_Onclick()
ParamsComponent = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "Params", new Dictionary<string, object>{ {"SH_ID", parameterID } } },
{ "rptName", "Shipment.trdp" },
{ "OnClosed", EventCallback.Factory.Create(this, OnClosed) }
TypeComponent = typeof(DynamicReportViewer);
await js.OpenDialog("report-modal");
and here is my report viewer
<div class="dashboard">
<ReportViewer ViewerId="rv1"
ReportSource="@(new ReportSourceOptions{Report = rptName,Parameters = Params })">
am I missing something or did something wrong
P.S. when I debug it with breakpoint it works just fine
Update: When Zooming In then Out The data shows up
Update: Problem solved by opening the report in new tab not popup component