Hi, I am working with the reporting tool and I have created a trdp file using the standalone designer. I am using MySql connection and my sql query have one parameter. When I test the SQL result with the parameters, the report is generated as expected. Now I created a winform and added the report viewer tool to it and have added the trdp file. When I add the parameters and tried to run, the report viewer remains blank. So, I tried to remove the parameter from my sql query in the trdp file and run my winform again, all the selected record is shown in my report viewer. If I use parameter, then it remains blank with no report. What could be the issue. This is how I add my parameter
private void ReportViewerForm1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
My Sql Query in trdp file.
Select o.JsNo, b.ConsignmentNo, c.* From js_orderdetails o inner join js_billingdetail b on b.OrderID = o.ID inner join js_labelorders l on l.OrderId = o.ID inner join js_labelcustomers c on c.Id = l.LabelCustomerId where o.JsNo = @jsno