We have our reports hosted on Azure Blob Storage and would need to provide SAS token in the Url for them to open correctly. The behavior we are noticing with Report Viewer is very peculiar.
The token we pass in the Url looks like this: sp=r&st=2019-03-26T21:39:32Z&se=2019-03-27T05:39:32Z&spr=https&sv=2018-03-28&sig=6BSlZTyohlqKSSHFRCSj2Y%2BpmIiQ4LOB2M%2FmHnKrIdc%3D&sr=b
We looked at the request made by Report Viewer to download the file using Fiddler and it shows: sp=r&st=2019-03-26T21:39:32Z&se=2019-03-27T05:39:32Z&spr=https&sv=2018-03-28&sig=6BSlZTyohlqKSSHFRCSj2Y+pmIiQ4LOB2M/mHnKrIdc=&sr=b
If you notice %2F is being translated as +, but for Azure that's how the SAS tokens work and the call gets rejected with 403.
We thought maybe we can encode the Url but doing that we are running into this limitation.
Unable to get report parameters.
An error has occurred.
The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
Any suggestions?