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Report Viewer export button load the data again

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Peter asked on 15 Jul 2019, 06:05 AM
I found that when I click the export button of the report. It triggers query the database again. It seems the export button re run the report again. What cause the export button to run the query again? How can I fix it?

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answered on 15 Jul 2019, 06:55 AM

I mean is there any way to debug it and find out the reason. I am doing a web app and using the trdx report file in report viewer.


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answered on 15 Jul 2019, 07:15 AM
I have a telerik report viewer in web app. Now when the report is generated in the web site, I press Export button to export the report to excel, however it takes very long time to export the report and I find it reload the data in backend database when the export button is pressed, I cannot find a way to debug and trace what the export button have done. Is there any way I can find out what the export button done and find out why it goes to reloads the backend data?
Telerik team
answered on 17 Jul 2019, 04:00 PM
Hi Peter,

The HTML5 Report viewer is a pure client application which makes AJAX calls to the Telerik Reporting REST Service, where the reports get processed and rendered by the Reporting engine. During each export the reports get processed and rendered anew (see below when this will not be done) on the server. Data fetching is part of this process that is coded in our assemblies, and you can debug it only if you have our source code.
You may use Fiddler to check the requests from the viewer to the back end.

If you export a report definition with some values of the report parameters in a given format (e.g. XLSX), it will be stored in the Storage of the service and the next time the same report document is requested (i.e. the same definition with the same parameter values in the same format) it will be taken from the Storage instead of being rendered again. Note that the Storage has timeouts - ClientSessionTimeout and ReportSharingTimeout that determine when a generated document will expire, or if it can be shared between clients.

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answered on 19 Jul 2019, 04:38 AM
I am using web control report viewer. How can I handle the Storage to make it export fast and no need to query the data again?
Telerik team
answered on 22 Jul 2019, 01:54 PM
Hello Peter,

We noticed that you have opened two forum posts on the same topic. We will appreciate it if we continue the discussion in one of both threads, in order to keep a better track of the exchanged information. 
In this regards, here you can find the answer to your question:

Best Regards,
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