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Report table with multiple datasource

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Simon asked on 18 Jun 2019, 09:51 AM


Hello team,

is it possible to set multiple datasource to a table?

Probably it is not possible.

But I need the data from different datasources to display in one report table.

Is there any trick for this problem?

I would otherwise create 2 or 3 tables, set one datasource each, and then put them together on the report to make them look like one.

But it's not so easy.

It should look good, without distortions.

So that you recognize what I mean please see the attachment.


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answered on 21 Jun 2019, 07:05 AM
Hello Simon,

Indeed, by design each data item may have only one DataSource.

I recommend to try to combine the fields from the different data sources that need to be displayed in a single Table into one data source. For example, you may use ObjectDataSource to fetch the data from the original data sources, fill a business object with the necessary data and return it through the DataMember of the ObjectDataSource to the Reporting engine to display it in the Table.

The approach with multiple Tables simulating a single one may also work. Note that in this case if any of the Table cells grows vertically to accommodate its content, the entire row of this Table will grow. However, the other Tables will preserve their corresponding row height, hence the appearance of a single Table will be lost. Grouping will also be harder to achieve and maintain. In case the data sources return different number of records the entire Table composition will also not look like a single Table.
These drawbacks will be avoided with the single data source approach.

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