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Report Rendering Complete Event

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Jason asked on 20 May 2009, 02:00 PM
I am currently running a report that takes several minutes to complete.  We have a blind user working with this application and I need to notify him when the report rendering has completed.  There is a RenderingBegin event, but is there any kind of RenderingComplete event or equivalent?  I plan to use this event to trigger a message box to notify the user when the report rendering has completed.

Thank you

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answered on 20 May 2009, 03:43 PM
Hi Jason,

The RenderingBegin event has been exposed in case someone might want to cancel the report rendering. We have not thought of well argumented reason for the existence of RenderingEnd/Complete event and we have not introduced such.
Anyway for your scenario you can use the UpdateUI event of the viewer. Although it is not designed for this purpose it could also help you in this situation. Here is an example:

public Form1()  
  this.reportViewer1.UpdateUI += new EventHandler(reportViewer1_UpdateUI);  
void reportViewer1_UpdateUI(object sender, EventArgs e)  
  ReportViewer viewer = (ReportViewer)sender;  
  if (viewer.ProcessingState == ProcessingState.Success)  
    //notify user 

Hope this helps.

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