I have been unable to get a Report Preview to work in Visual Studio (I am using 2017). The specific problem is that when I run the preview, I get the error "Could not load file or assembly '(my assembly), Version=(the version), Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."
We require this custom assembly for various common lookups and data access, including accessing an S3 bucket using AWSSDK.S3.
Anyway, I have searched the web and these forums, and have tried dozens of solutions, none of which work. To prevent needless repletion of solutions that don't work, some solutions I have tried are on these links:
There are others, too but all basically the same thing. Either the solution tells me to add the runtime assemblyBinding and AssemblyReferences to the app.config, or to put the assemblies in the folder where the Report Designer executable is (i.e., "C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting R2 2018\Report Designer"). That later is pretty dumb, as we would need to copy it there each time we rebuild the assembly, and I hope its not the actually solution... Regardless, I tried both of these solutions, and both together at the same time, and they simply do not work. I continue to get the error.
Most of the posts about this are from years ago, however, so perhaps things have simply changed, and those solutions do not work any more. I am sure we're not the only people trying to use telerik reports that call out to custom libraries.
So, the question is, how do we get the Report Preview to work in VS2017 when the report needs to access functions in an external, custom assembly?
Thanks in advance!