My report has as DataSource a stored procedure that needs some parameters in order to be executed.
The parameters should be applied by the user.
Both the disscussed parameters has store procedures as their datasource and are multiselectable.
The selected values of the first parameter should be combined to a string with ',' between the values,
That will be used as input to another sqlDataSource store procedure which is used in the DataSource
of a second report parameter.
I need to combine the values of the first parameter to 1 string, and to refresh the seconed datasource when the first was updated.
The parameters should be applied by the user.
Both the disscussed parameters has store procedures as their datasource and are multiselectable.
The selected values of the first parameter should be combined to a string with ',' between the values,
That will be used as input to another sqlDataSource store procedure which is used in the DataSource
of a second report parameter.
I need to combine the values of the first parameter to 1 string, and to refresh the seconed datasource when the first was updated.
// First parameter:
this.StorageSystemDataSource.ConnectionString = "...";
this.StorageSystemDataSource.Name = "SystemDataSource";
this.StorageSystemDataSource.SelectCommand = "dbo.GetSystemType";
this.StorageSystemDataSource.SelectCommandType = Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure;
// Second parameter:
this.SystemNameDataSource.ConnectionString = "...";
this.SystemNameDataSource.Name = "SystemNameDataSource";
this.SystemNameDataSource.Parameters.AddRange(new Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSourceParameter[] {
new Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSourceParameter("@SystemTypes", System.Data.DbType.AnsiString, "=IIF(Parameters.SystemTypeParameter.Value(0) = -1, Nothing, Join(Parameters.SystemTypeParameter.Value, \",\"))")});
// is that the way to combine the values????
this.SystemNameDataSource.ProviderName = "System.Data.SqlClient";
this.SystemNameDataSource.SelectCommand = "dbo.GetSystemByTypes";
// I need to reactivate this stored procedure on each selection changes of the first parameter values.