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Report parameter placement

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Dan asked on 31 Aug 2009, 05:19 PM
One can put their report parameters into a particaular sequence in the ReportParameter Collection Editor.  Then the report parameters are displayed in that sequence left to right in multiple rows.  But that appears to be the end of control over the parameters other than setting one or more to (in)Visible.  If you make one of the parameters not Visible, then subsequent parameters are moved up in sequence.  Food for thought as enhancements:

1. Allow parameters to be frozen in position even if one or more are made not Visible.  Thus, retaining their relative placement if that placement is important to useablity.

2. Allow programmable control of the tab sequence of the parameters.  In the case where my logical, useable tab sequence might be 1, 3, 2, 4.


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Telerik team
answered on 01 Sep 2009, 04:24 PM
Hello Dan,

According to the design and implementation of the report parameters, a report parameter that is not visible means that it has no UI attached to it. Such parameters without UI are usually used when creating a master-detail report hierarchy or when managing the reports programatically. Having no UI means that this parameter won't appear on the parameter area at all, so there is no possible way for the viewer to reserve any space for it.

Report parameters (with enabled UI) appear on the report viewer's parameter area in the order they appear in the Report.ReportParameters collection. You can always order the parameters the way you want, and we believe that this approach is good enough. If we nevertheless get more request to change this behavior, we will consider changing it.

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