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Report not showing Font

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Jim asked on 09 Oct 2019, 03:10 PM

I am using Telerik reporting to produce price labels for products within our stores.

I have a VB project which produces the labels when a feed is recieved from our central servers.  The XML input contains pricing and various other characteristics which then populate various fields on the label. 


I need this to be rendered in Helvetica, and then the report gets pushed to a label printer.  The label printing software runs on approximately 160 Win 7 machines and runs under the Local System user.

I have installed Helvetica.ttf on our UAT machine, and whilst printing from Dev on my own machine renders the Helvetica font perfectly, I cannot get it to work on the UAT machine.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <section name="Telerik.Reporting" type="Telerik.Reporting.Configuration.ReportingConfigurationSection, Telerik.Reporting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a9d7983dfcc261be" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" />
      <add fontFamily="Helvetica" path="C:/Windows/Fonts/Helvetica.ttf" />



Public Sub New()
      Dim Functions As New GenericFunctions
      Dim ExceptionFunctions As New ExceptionFunctions
      Dim EXC As New CollatedException
          Dim dblXOffset As Double = CDbl(PrinterVariables.LabelPrinterSettings.Xoffset)
          Dim dblYOffset As Double = CDbl(PrinterVariables.LabelPrinterSettings.Yoffset)
          Dim xOffset As New Unit
          Dim yOffset As New Unit
          Me.Style.Font.Name = "Helvetica"
          xOffset = Unit.Mm(dblXOffset)
          yOffset = Unit.Mm(dblYOffset)


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answered on 11 Oct 2019, 03:01 PM

Hello Stu,

If you haven't tried this, please restart the UAT machine after installing the Helvetica.ttf font. This is required in order for the application to be able to find the font.

More information on the topic of fonts in reports can be found in the Font Requirements help article. Note that private fonts are not needed when the font is installed properly on the server machine.

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