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Report localization in release issue.

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Jean-Francois asked on 20 Feb 2014, 04:27 PM
Hi telerik,

Using wpf reportviewer and telerik Q1 2013 SP1
I'm currently having an issue with localization in my solution. My report is in English by default and the additional language is French. When I debug the solution I don't have any problem but in release none of the fields will be globalized. Only culture related fields like dates are correctly globalized, the rest is all in english.

Please note that I have other reports in the solution whom will localize correctly while using the same pattern.

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answered on 25 Feb 2014, 12:17 PM
Hello Jean-Francois,

Please double-check the report's resx files for the corresponding culture and the entries for the fields. Double check also if the definition is modified at run-time and thus the keys do not correspond to the stored in the resx file.

If you need further help, feel free to open a support ticket and send us the report definition and details about your settings.


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