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Report Header/Footer Template

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Prashant asked on 15 Apr 2019, 09:42 AM

Hi Team,

I am using Visual studio 2017 for designing Class Library Report (.cs) in my project.

And wanted to create template for Header and Footer, So I can use that in multiple Reports, but i couldn't find any solution in visual studio.

But it looks there is some option in Standalone designer tool that I am not using.

Please guide.


Thank you!


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answered on 18 Apr 2019, 07:08 AM
Hi Prashant,

Basically the Report Templates are meant to give you a base report definition that would allow you to faster create similar reports which share features. The idea is to create the base report, then export it as a template and every subsequent report can be started with this template saving you the trouble of doing the same work multiple times.

Currently the TRTX files can only be created by the Standalone Report Designer and there isn't a public API that would allow you to do so by code. Same goes for using them. 
If you want to reuse something in code, you can just create a base report, instantiate it and work over it. There is no need to create a template for the purpose. 

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