(I am using the latest version of Q3 release.)
I created a master report which contains a list of dynamically generated sub-reports.
I expected these sub-reports to be displayed one by one on the same page. However, the result report are splited into two pages, as shown in noDocking_page1.png and noDocking_page2.png.
Later I found that if I add a line: subReport.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top, sub-reports can be displayed within one page.
But they are kinda overlay, and still show two pages with the second page is empty, as shown in docking_page1.png and docking_page2.png.
Can anyone help with it? Thank you in advance.
I created a master report which contains a list of dynamically generated sub-reports.
foreach (ParameterValuesReportDataSource ds in dss)
IndividualParameterReport subreport = new IndividualParameterReport(ds);
SubReport subReport = new SubReport();
subReport.ReportSource = subreport;
I expected these sub-reports to be displayed one by one on the same page. However, the result report are splited into two pages, as shown in noDocking_page1.png and noDocking_page2.png.
Later I found that if I add a line: subReport.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top, sub-reports can be displayed within one page.
But they are kinda overlay, and still show two pages with the second page is empty, as shown in docking_page1.png and docking_page2.png.
Can anyone help with it? Thank you in advance.