I create a trdx report in Telerik Report Designer. After I added this report to my project.
I want to add a dataTable to report programatically. So my data is not avalible at design time.
I check some topic in help.
Working With Data at Design Time
"In this case you would have to mock your data just to enable the Report Designer to show any data schema. "
I don't understand this. How it is possible?
I already check this links too.
Using the NeedDataSource event to connect data
How to: Bind to a DataTable
My main problem is the next I don't really know or understand how to set a data-schema in designer.
I create a trdx report in Telerik Report Designer. After I added this report to my project.
Telerik.Reporting.UriReportSource uriReportSource = new Telerik.Reporting.UriReportSource();
uriReportSource.Uri = @"Report\teszt.trdx";
TelRptViewer.ReportSource = uriReportSource;
I want to add a dataTable to report programatically. So my data is not avalible at design time.
I check some topic in help.
Working With Data at Design Time
"In this case you would have to mock your data just to enable the Report Designer to show any data schema. "
I don't understand this. How it is possible?
I already check this links too.
Using the NeedDataSource event to connect data
How to: Bind to a DataTable
My main problem is the next I don't really know or understand how to set a data-schema in designer.