strSql = @"”;
DataTable dt = new
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
PrintInvoiceRpt Rpt1 = new
#region Sub Report BreakDown Query
strSql = @"";
Telerik.Reporting.SubReport subRpt =
(Telerik.Reporting.SubReport)Rpt1.Items.Find("subReport1", true)[0];
// Sub Report
can any one suggest me,
how to add sub report in report book
DataTable dt_SubReport = new
if (dt_SubReport.Rows.Count > 0)
subRpt.ReportSource.DataSource = dt_SubReport;
#endregion Sub Report BreakDown Query
reportBook.Reports.Add(new PrintInvoiceRpt());
reportBook.Reports[0].DataSource = dt;
RptViewer.Report = reportBook;
Main report showing in report book but sub report
not showing ,
How to add subreport of PrintInvoiceRpt
in report book
I am using Version=, OR
Q3 2011
can any one suggest me,how to add subreport in report book