Release Notes?

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Kyle Smith
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Kyle Smith asked on 28 Sep 2023, 01:46 PM

I noticed that kendo-data-query was updated to version 1.7.0, but there is nothing listed here:

Also, I've noticed lag between when a new version is released and release notes are set: In this case, 5.19.0 is available but there are no notes detailing what was added/fixed.

How long should we expect to wait for release notes to be available? We like to keep our libraries up-to-date, but would like to know what has changed.


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Telerik team
answered on 02 Oct 2023, 11:11 AM

Hello, Kyle,

Thank you so much for reporting this issue.

The release notes should be added right after the new version of the components is released. However, for the `5.19.0` release, we had to postpone the release notes in the KendoReact changelog due to an internal matter. Please accept our apologies for this delay.

In addition, for the Data Query, the change log for the `1.7.0` version should be present. I forwarded this issue to the team and they will soon add it. We will also make sure that the change log will be delivered on time in the future.

Moreover,  I updated your Telerik Points accordingly as a small token of gratitude for your report.

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General Discussions
Asked by
Kyle Smith
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Telerik team
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