miral shah
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miral shah
asked on 09 Nov 2009, 11:20 AM
Dear Sir,
I m binding the observable collection of the object having properties like attachment, isUnread , priority, id having values either {true/False}, {true/False}, {1,2, or 3} respectively. Assuming attachment = true, isUread = false, priority = 1 , id is autoincrement .
Now when i update it from user form : attachment = false , isUread = true, priority = 3 .... recording displayed is not update in GridView. For updating the same i need to load again and again gridview with observable collection just for 1 record i m loading 100 record or even more which not desirable. how to solve this problem. can i only change gridview UI part.
Thanks in advance.
Miral Shah
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hello miral shah,
Yes, this is possible but your data items should implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. Once the items implement this interface they will be able to notify the gird when certain property is updated and the grid will be able to update its UI.
You can find more information about this interface here.
Hope this helps.
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miral shah
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Rank 2
answered on 11 Nov 2009, 02:16 PM
Dear Sir,
I have applied the above mentioned property to my object still m not getting the result. Do observable collection need this property to set on to it? if yes then how could i do that , how do i perform Linq on the same. If possible sent me example of the same.
Thanks in Advance
Can you show us an example where the grid UI is not updated in case of observable collection of INotifyPropertyChanged items?
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Can you show us an example where the grid UI is not updated in case of observable collection of INotifyPropertyChanged items?
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answered on 20 May 2011, 03:26 PM
I have a similar issue with a RadGridView (Q1 2011) that lives inside a Tab (TabItem). If I switch to another tab and switch back, the grid magically redraws itself and fixes itself.
Without getting into too much detail, is there a simple way to force a full grid re-draw?
I'd like to get you a simple sample project to reproduce this behavior, but unfortunately working up even a "bare bones" sample would take a prohibitive amount of time.
In short, we have a lot of sorting/grouping going on, and on each child row (by child I mean the actual data row, not a grouping or sub-grouping) there is a "remove" button. When a row is removed, sometimes a blank row is left in its place, and sometimes I see behavior similar to your above screen shot where a large space is left between existing rows.
Rather than spend time digging into a root cause, I would like to simply force the grid to redraw itself. It seems to be able to do this when switching tabs, so I'm really hoping there's a way to do it on-demand programmatically.
Thanks for your time,
Without getting into too much detail, is there a simple way to force a full grid re-draw?
I'd like to get you a simple sample project to reproduce this behavior, but unfortunately working up even a "bare bones" sample would take a prohibitive amount of time.
In short, we have a lot of sorting/grouping going on, and on each child row (by child I mean the actual data row, not a grouping or sub-grouping) there is a "remove" button. When a row is removed, sometimes a blank row is left in its place, and sometimes I see behavior similar to your above screen shot where a large space is left between existing rows.
Rather than spend time digging into a root cause, I would like to simply force the grid to redraw itself. It seems to be able to do this when switching tabs, so I'm really hoping there's a way to do it on-demand programmatically.
Thanks for your time,
Hi Jon,
Could you please try calling myGrid.Rebind()? It will force the grid to reload all of its data.
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answered on 24 May 2011, 05:30 PM
This worked - thanks! How do I mark that as the answer?