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Recalculate subtotal when field value changes

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Deepak Shakya
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Deepak Shakya asked on 11 May 2011, 01:37 AM


I have populated the fields using a datasource. One of the fields has null values. So, I have used a ItemDataBound event to populate the values from a list of values in Hashtable when the value is null. It populates alright.


The subtotal in the GroupFooter section still gives the sum of the values which were NOT NULL initially.

private void fldAverageAnnualNLoadDataTextBox_ItemDataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Telerik.Reporting.Processing.TextBox tbAnnualLoad = (Telerik.Reporting.Processing.TextBox)sender;
            if (currentScenario == "Base-case")
                if (!baseCaseValues.ContainsKey(currentCatchment))
                    baseCaseValues.Add(currentCatchment, tbAnnualLoad.Value);
            if (tbAnnualLoad.Value == null && currentScenario != "Base-case")
                tbAnnualLoad.Value = string.Format("{0:0.0}", baseCaseValues[currentCatchment]);
Any help is highly appreciated.

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Telerik team
answered on 16 May 2011, 02:54 PM
Hi Deepak Shakya,

Telerik Reporting is highly oriented in using expressions and we believe this is the more flexible and right approach to handle calculations. Try avoiding the usage of code behind / event handling as much as possible. So instead of handling ItemDataBound event in order to check for the item value, you can use the built-in IsNull function both for the textbox that shows the actual value as well as for the textbox that aggregated over that field.

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Deepak Shakya
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