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Real time timeline?

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Tormod asked on 22 Jul 2011, 06:45 AM

We are delivering process automation system for the oil industry.

We are also delivering process simulators that target our control system.
In the simulator, human operators are dealing with mock system faults and process issues.

I want to design an instructors panel where the instructor drags scenarios onto a timeline to schedule them for activation and then watch in real time as the the scenario enters the "now" time and activates and observes how the human operators respond. The visual item representing the scenario updates visually to indicate how the scenario is progressing.
Scenarios are designed in Workflow Foundation and they can be run in parallell.

* Can the timebar show items in real time with the whole timeline moving through some point which represents the "now" time?
* I would like to pose a restriction so that no new items can be dropped to a timestamp any sooner than, for example, 10 seconds in the future.
* Once activated, a scenario cannot be removed. It must run to completion.
* The composer UI must be able to run in "offline" mode so one no longer has a moving timeline, all items are defined in offsets from a "start" point, and that you can press "save" and later compose on it in the live environment.

Does this sound like the timebar?

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Telerik team
answered on 27 Jul 2011, 01:03 PM
Hello Tormod,
In short - unfortunately, I do not think that the TimeBar can meet the requirements you describe. The control offers none of the features that you need and in case you decide to give it a try, you will have to implement all those features yourself. For example:

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