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RangeList for Horizontal LinearScale

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Keith asked on 10 Jun 2010, 04:53 PM

I'm using a LinearScale where Orientation="Horizontal" with a RangeList.  I have 3 LinearRanges defined, low, mid, and high.  However, the LInearRange background does not display past just over the midpoint of the Horizontal LInearScale.  I have created a sample application to demonstrate this behavior.

<Window x:Class="WPFLinearGauge.Window1" 
    Title="Window1" Height="500" Width="500"
    <Grid > 
            <ColumnDefinition Width="150" /> 
            <ColumnDefinition Width="350" /> 
            <ColumnDefinition Width="350" /> 
        <telerik:LinearScale x:Name="lsQty1" Height="200" Width="200" Orientation="Vertical" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"  
                             VerticalAlignment="Center" Min="0" Max="100" Grid.Column="0"
                <telerik:LabelProperties Offset="0" Location="Outside" /> 
                <telerik:LinearRange x:Name="lrQtyLow1"  
                                     BorderBrush="#7FFFFFFF" Min="0" Max="100"/> 
                <telerik:LinearRange x:Name="lrQtymid1"  
                                     BorderBrush="#7FFFFFFF" Min="25" Max="75"/> 
                <telerik:LinearRange x:Name="lrQtyhigh1"  
                                     BorderBrush="#7FFFFFFF" Min="75" Max="100"/> 
                <telerik:Marker x:Name="mQty1" 
        <telerik:LinearScale x:Name="lsQty2" Height="200" Width="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left"  
                             VerticalAlignment="Center" Min="0" Max="100" Grid.Column="1"  
                <telerik:LabelProperties Offset="0" Location="Outside" > 
                <telerik:LinearRange x:Name="lrQtyLow2"  
                                     BorderBrush="#7FFFFFFF" Min="0" Max="25"/> 
                <telerik:LinearRange x:Name="lrQtymid2"  
                                     BorderBrush="#7FFFFFFF" Min="25" Max="75"/> 
                <telerik:LinearRange x:Name="lrQtyhigh2"  
                                     BorderBrush="#7FFFFFFF" Min="75" Max="100"/> 
                <telerik:Marker x:Name="mQty2" 

I have also attached a screen shot showing both the Vertical and Horizonatl LInearScales.

Is this the expected behavior?  Have I incorrectly defined or missed something in setting up the Horizontal LinearScale?  Or is there a different/better way to accomplish the desired Horizontal LinearScale?

Thanks for any additional information,

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answered on 11 Jun 2010, 10:25 AM
Hi Keith,

The horizontal scale is clipped by top container (Grid). By default the Left property of the scale is set to 0.5. So horizontal scale starts at the half of the container. I suggest you change your code to specify different left position of the scale:

<telerik:LinearScale x:Name="lsQty2" 

Best wishes,
Andrey Murzov
the Telerik team

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