i but 5 RadGridview in RadTabControl when we have many TabItem ,the problem is for each selected TabItem the event load is launch.
for me all RadGridView is loaded in the first time when i load the view.
my question:there is a possibilty to stop load when i select TabItem ?
i find just a possibilty to keep the already selected TabItem ,is not a solution for my problem because i want to block all event load.
i but 5 RadGridview in RadTabControl when we have many TabItem ,the problem is for each selected TabItem the event load is launch.
for me all RadGridView is loaded in the first time when i load the view.
my question:there is a possibilty to stop load when i select TabItem ?
i find just a possibilty to keep the already selected TabItem ,is not a solution for my problem because i want to block all event load.