Hi guys,
For my RadSpreadSheet component, I have implemented some custom functions using the FunctionWithArguments implementation. I have a BaseCustomFunction custom class which inherits from the FunctionWithArguments telerik class, and for example, I have a Q1QFunction class which inherits from my BaseCustomFunction, as below:
Imports MAAObject.AerodynamicObject
Imports Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Expressions
Imports Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Expressions.Functions
Namespace Aerodynamic.Calculator
Public Class Q1QFunction
Inherits BaseCustomFunction
#Region "Properties"
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Type As ECustomFunction
Return ECustomFunction.Q1_Q
End Get
End Property
#End Region
Public Sub New(name As String, description As String)
MyBase.New(name, description)
End Sub
#Region "Methods"
Protected Overrides Function GetFunctionInfos() As FunctionInfo
Dim requiredArguments As IEnumerable(Of ArgumentInfo) = New ArgumentInfo() {
New ArgumentInfo("Altitude_ft", "The value of the Altitude, in ft.", ArgumentType.Number),
New ArgumentInfo("Mach", "The value of the Mach.", ArgumentType.Number),
New ArgumentInfo("ISA_ºC", "The value of the ISA, in Celsus degrees.", ArgumentType.Number),
New ArgumentInfo("Mach_Option", "The value of the Mach Option.", ArgumentType.Text),
New ArgumentInfo("Cpressure", "The value of the Cpressure.", ArgumentType.Number),
New ArgumentInfo("Mach1_Known", "The value of the known Mach1.", ArgumentType.Number)
Dim optionalArguments As IEnumerable(Of ArgumentInfo) = New ArgumentInfo() {}
Return New FunctionInfo(Me.Name, FunctionCategory.MathTrig, Me.Description, requiredArguments, optionalArguments, 0, True)
End Function
Protected Overrides Function EvaluateOverride(context As FunctionEvaluationContext(Of Object)) As RadExpression
If context.Arguments.Length <> Me.FunctionInfo.RequiredArgumentsCount Then Return Nothing
Dim altitude As Decimal
If Not Decimal.TryParse(context.Arguments(0), altitude) Then Return Nothing 'tester le return nothing
Dim mach As Decimal
If Not Decimal.TryParse(context.Arguments(1), mach) Then Return Nothing
Dim isa As Decimal
If Not Decimal.TryParse(context.Arguments(2), isa) Then Return Nothing
Dim machOption As String = CStr(context.Arguments(3))
If Not {"YES", "NO"}.Contains(machOption) Then
Throw New ExpressionException("Mach_Option parameter must be ""YES"" or ""NO""")
End If
Dim cPressure As Decimal
If Not Decimal.TryParse(context.Arguments(4), cPressure) Then Return Nothing
Dim mach1Known As Decimal
If Not Decimal.TryParse(context.Arguments(5), mach1Known) Then Return Nothing
Return New NumberExpression(AerodynamicCalculator.Q1_Q(altitude, mach, isa, machOption, cPressure, mach1Known))
End Function
#End Region
End Class
End Namespace
> I have a question about the machOption parameter inside the EvaluateOverride method: is it possible to raise an error if the parameter hasn't the desired value? For example I want to return #VALUE or #REF or another error message, and avoid the calculation of the formula if something provided is wrong.
I tried to use the ErrorExpression or RadExpression base classes, but I can't build them because no New Constructor method is available.
Do you know how I can do that?
Thank you!
Valentin M.