I've having some trouble trying to display a RadSplitButtonElement as item of a RibbonBarGroup.
I'm expecting the RadSplitButtonElement to use the same backgound/foreground color as the
other types of buttons once I've applied any of the following themes:
. office2010black
. office2007blue...
As shown in the attached pictures, the element is painted using a brighter color than the other
elements, even when being inactive (which makes it really really visible in my GUI)
I cannot figure out if this may be considered as a bug or was really designed to be displayed like this.
What would you recommend to get the RadSplitButtonElement being displayed with the same default
settings than the other button elements ? Should I build a custom version of the office theme ?
Override a custom RadSplitButton ?
Moreover, as pictured in file inactivesplitofficeblack2010_after, the font color of the split button
remains dark blue once i've applied the office2007blue theme and came back to the office2010black theme.
This issue can also be reproduced with the telerik theme viewer which came with the Q3 2012 release.
Is that already a known issue ?
Thanks a lot,
I'm expecting the RadSplitButtonElement to use the same backgound/foreground color as the
other types of buttons once I've applied any of the following themes:
. office2010black
. office2007blue...
As shown in the attached pictures, the element is painted using a brighter color than the other
elements, even when being inactive (which makes it really really visible in my GUI)
I cannot figure out if this may be considered as a bug or was really designed to be displayed like this.
What would you recommend to get the RadSplitButtonElement being displayed with the same default
settings than the other button elements ? Should I build a custom version of the office theme ?
Override a custom RadSplitButton ?
Moreover, as pictured in file inactivesplitofficeblack2010_after, the font color of the split button
remains dark blue once i've applied the office2007blue theme and came back to the office2010black theme.
This issue can also be reproduced with the telerik theme viewer which came with the Q3 2012 release.
Is that already a known issue ?
Thanks a lot,