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RadPivotFieldList : Custom aggregateDescription removed when unchecked

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JC asked on 01 Mar 2016, 04:16 PM


I declared all my property description in a LocalDataSourceProvider as below. On the first run it works well, but when I uncheck and re-check my custom property are removed (CustomName and AggregateFunction) and property are not put in the right bow (RowGroupDescription instead of ColumnGroupDescriptions) as shown in the attached file. Does it exist some property to set to not lose custom description ?

            <pivot:LocalDataSourceProvider x:Key="DataSourceProvider" ItemsSource="{Binding SynthesisData}">
                    <pivot:PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="ElementName" CustomName="Element Name" />
                    <pivot:PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="LatticeType" CustomName="Lattice Type" />
                    <pivot:PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="JibName" CustomName="Jib Name" />
                    <pivot:PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Type" />
                    <pivot:PropertyAggregateDescription PropertyName="Percentage" CustomName="Base %" AggregateFunction="Max" StringFormat="#.00\%" />
                    <pivot:PropertyAggregateDescription PropertyName="ModifiedPercentage" CustomName="Ruled %" AggregateFunction="Max" StringFormat="#.00\%"/>
                    <pivot:PropertyAggregateDescription PropertyName="Radius" CustomName="Radius" StringFormat="#.00 m"  AggregateFunction="Max"/>
<pivot:RadPivotGrid x:Name="Pivot" Margin="8,8,292,7.565" DataProvider="{StaticResource DataSourceProvider}" ColumnSubTotalsPosition="Right">
                <pivot:GroupsExpandBehavior Expanded="False" />
                <pivot:GroupsExpandBehavior Expanded="False" />
        <pivot:RadPivotFieldList Grid.Row="0" Margin="0,8,8,7.565" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Width="283" DataProvider="{StaticResource DataSourceProvider}" />


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answered on 02 Mar 2016, 12:42 PM

When a checkbox for a field is checked in the RadPivotFieldList a default description is created for this field and is placed in its default role (rows, columns, values, filters). For numeric values a PropertyAggregateDescritpion is created with its default AggregateFunction - Sum and is added in "Values" as this is its default role.
That is why the fields can be dragged from the RadPivotFieldList list part to a specific role - this way the users can place a numeric field in "Rows", for example. However, the default role for a field cannot be changed with the current implementation of RadPivotGrid.

If you wish to create a custom description when a field is being added you can add handler to the DataProvider.PrepareDescriptionForField event and modify the description. You can find more information about this event here:

In your scenario for the field Radius you can use this event and modify the PropertyAggregateDescription for it with CustomName = "Radius" and AggregateFunction - Max using this code:
private void LocalDataSourceProvider_PrepareDescriptionForField(object sender, PrepareDescriptionForFieldEventArgs e)
    var radiusDescription = e.Description as PropertyAggregateDescription;
    if (radiusDescription.PropertyName == "Radius")
        radiusDescription.CustomName = "Radius";
        radiusDescription.AggregateFunction = new MaxAggregateFunction();

Hope this helps.

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answered on 04 Mar 2016, 09:22 AM

Hello Polya

Thanks for your quick answer.

It works well for CustomName, stringFormat, aggregateFunction and all properties (see code below).

Private Sub DataSourceProvider_OnPrepareDescriptionForField(sender As Object, e As PrepareDescriptionForFieldEventArgs)
  Dim agregateDescription As PropertyAggregateDescription = TryCast(e.Description, PropertyAggregateDescription)
  Dim groupeDescription As PropertyGroupDescription = TryCast(e.Description, PropertyGroupDescription)
  If (groupeDescription IsNot Nothing) Then
    Select Case groupeDescription.PropertyName
      Case "ElementName"
        groupeDescription.CustomName = "Element Name"
      Case "LatticeType"
        groupeDescription.CustomName = "Lattice Type"
      Case "JibName"
        groupeDescription.CustomName = "Jib Name"
      Case "Type"
        groupeDescription.CustomName = "Type"
      Case Else
    End Select
  ElseIf (agregateDescription IsNot Nothing) Then
    Select Case agregateDescription.PropertyName
      Case "Percentage"
        agregateDescription.CustomName = "Base %"
        agregateDescription.StringFormat = "#.00\%"
        agregateDescription.AggregateFunction = New MaxAggregateFunction()
      Case "ModifiedPercentage"
        agregateDescription.CustomName = "Ruled %"
        agregateDescription.StringFormat = "#.00\%"
        agregateDescription.AggregateFunction = New MaxAggregateFunction()
      Case "Radius"
        agregateDescription.CustomName = "Radius"
        agregateDescription.AggregateFunction = New MaxAggregateFunction()
      Case Else
    End Select
  End If
End Sub

But I still got a problem to determine rowGroupDescriptions and columnGroupDescriptions. As i described it on my first post I put ElementName and LatticeType into RowGroupDescriptions and JIbName and Type into ColumnGroupDescriptions, but when I uncheck and re-check, JibName and Type are not put into the columnGroupDescriptions but into the rowGroupDescriptions.



Telerik team
answered on 07 Mar 2016, 01:09 PM
Hi J-Christophe,

I am glad the proposed approach helped achieve the desired.

Regarding the fields added in rows instead of columns - in order to achieve the desired we need to change the PreferredRole of the "JibName" and "Type" fields. We can use the AddingContainerNode event of the LocalDataSourceFieldDescriptionsProvider. You can find more information about it in this help article: and an example demonstrating how to use it in our developer focused examples:

For your the handler should look something like that:
<pivot:LocalDataSourceProvider x:Key="DataProvider" ItemsSource="{Binding}">
<!-- .......... -->
        <pivot:LocalDataSourceFieldDescriptionsProvider AddingContainerNode="LocalDataSourceProvider_AddingContainerNode"/>

void LocalDataSourceProvider_AddingContainerNode(object sender, Telerik.Pivot.Core.Fields.ContainerNodeEventArgs e)
    if (e.ContainerNode.Name == "JibName" || e.ContainerNode.Name == "Type")
        FieldInfoNode fin = e.ContainerNode as FieldInfoNode;
        (fin.FieldInfo as PropertyFieldInfo).PreferredRole = FieldRoles.Column;

Hope this helps.

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answered on 07 Mar 2016, 02:28 PM
thanks a lot it works.
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