RadNumericUpDown control is not binding Minimum value to source WPF

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Kostiantyn asked on 01 Jun 2023, 08:30 AM

I have tried to create two RadNumericUpDown controls, first one has a minimum value and second one has a maximum value. I thought that I can bind automatically minimum value as Minimum for second control, but here is the problem.

Problem is happens when Minimum value of RadNumericUpDown control was updated, but updated Value of second control was not bound to source.

        <telerik:RadNumericUpDown Value="{Binding MinValue, Mode=TwoWay}"/> //changes here are not updatind value of second control
        <telerik:RadNumericUpDown Value="{Binding MaxValue, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" 
                                  Minimum="{Binding MinValue, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>



Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
commented on 05 Jun 2023, 01:59 PM

I am not sure that I understood the issue properly? Can you tell me which property is updated and how? The Minimum of RadNumericUpDown or the MinValue of the view model? And what exactly happens in that case? 

I think few code snippets showing how you update the values and the current/expected result will be useful as well.

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