I have been using the RadMaskedTextBox with MaskType "Numeric" and am getting an issue "Input string not in correct format" when following the below steps:
1) Enter a number
2) Modify the number to a negative value (-)
3) Delete the number using BackSpace
i.e., Exception thrown with negative symbols.
As a workaround to this issue , telerik forums suggested to use RadMaskedNumericInput instead. But there comes another issue that I have to give fixed number of digits only in the Mask.
My concerns are :-
1) How to give the mask if the maximum number of numeric places is 18 and decimal digits as 2 ( say for eg., 123456789122345567.55)?
2) Is there any alternative other than giving mask?
3) Can I give negative symbols as well ? If so, will it figure out the exception thrown with negative symbols.
Please help to figure out this issue..