I'm working on a WPF application with ListViews and a pretty complex drag & drop functionality that I made.
I've replaced the ListViews with RadGridViews to achieve data virtualization.
I would like to use the existing drag and drop functionality with the RadGridView, can you please give me some info on how it can be done?
I've tried attaching the appropriate event handlers but it doesn't seem to work :
I'm working on a WPF application with ListViews and a pretty complex drag & drop functionality that I made.
I've replaced the ListViews with RadGridViews to achieve data virtualization.
I would like to use the existing drag and drop functionality with the RadGridView, can you please give me some info on how it can be done?
I've tried attaching the appropriate event handlers but it doesn't seem to work :
private void radGridView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
initInnerPlaylistControl(sender as RadGridView);
public void initInnerPlaylistControl(RadGridView itemsControl)
itemsControl.AllowDrop = true;
itemsControl.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += Rad_OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown;
itemsControl.Drop += Rad_Drop;
itemsControl.MouseMove += Rad_OnMouseMove;
itemsControl.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp += itemsControl1_OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp;
itemsControl.QueryContinueDrag += Database_OnPreviewQueryContinueDrag;
//itemsControl.OnGiveFeedback += OnGiveFeedback;