c# .NET 4.5, WPF, RadGridView
I have a RadGridView in a UserControl. I bind an ItemsSource on my Grid, which uses a Template with a RadButton on it. The Button
use a command of the main DataContext and in the CommandParameter i send the name of the usercontrol which should be loaded on
the the next TabItem. So far so good.
But how do i get the item of the RadGridView where i pressed the RadButton, i want to send the item ID with my command to load the
Task on the next TabItem?
Best Regards
c# .NET 4.5, WPF, RadGridView
I have a RadGridView in a UserControl. I bind an ItemsSource on my Grid, which uses a Template with a RadButton on it. The Button
use a command of the main DataContext and in the CommandParameter i send the name of the usercontrol which should be loaded on
the the next TabItem. So far so good.
But how do i get the item of the RadGridView where i pressed the RadButton, i want to send the item ID with my command to load the
Task on the next TabItem?
Best Regards