I have a RadDropDownList that I have successfully bound to a List object by setting the DisplayMember and ValueMember of the RadDropDownList to the properties of my data list object, and by setting the DataSource of the RadDropDown to the list.
The above takes care of populating the choices in RadDropDown.
I want to know if its possible to also bind the SelectedValue to another property in my data class. And if changes in this Data property would reflect back in the SelectedValue of the RadDropDown with the implementation of the INotifyPropertyChanged event for the Data property.
The above takes care of populating the choices in RadDropDown.
I want to know if its possible to also bind the SelectedValue to another property in my data class. And if changes in this Data property would reflect back in the SelectedValue of the RadDropDown with the implementation of the INotifyPropertyChanged event for the Data property.