I am using the Arrow5Filled and Arrow5 SourceCapType's to differentiate between 2 different join types in my diagram. When a user double clicks the join line I throw up a popup and allow them to enter/edit information about the join. The problem I am facing is that the Arrow5 SourceCapType is not clickable unless you get right on the line (very fiddly), opposed to the Arrow5Filled which is clickable anywhere in the shape. How can I make the Arrow5 SourceCapType to have the same behavior as the Arrow5Filled SourceCapType?
7 Answers, 1 is accepted
I assume that when you say "join line" you actually refer to the RadDiagramConnection control. If so, I think that I understand your scenario.
I tested it in our online demos and it seems that the click event is registered even if you click inside the empty rectangle. Could you please give it a try and let me know if you can reproduce the reported behavior in our demo?
In case that you are not able to reproduce the behavior in the online demo I suggest upgrading to our latest official release.
Pavel R. Pavlov
I assume that when you say "join line" you actually refer to the RadDiagramConnection control. If so, I think that I understand your scenario.
I tested it in our online demos and it seems that the click event is registered even if you click inside the empty rectangle. Could you please give it a try and let me know if you can reproduce the reported behavior in our demo?
In case that you are not able to reproduce the behavior in the online demo I suggest upgrading to our latest official release.
Pavel R. Pavlov
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answered on 11 Mar 2014, 10:50 PM
You assume correctly and I am referring to RadDiagramConnection.
I am subscribing to the mouse MouseDoubleClick event. I single click seems to work when I click inside the empty rectangle, however a double click does not work. I cannot really compare it to the demo that you linked me to as it doesnt seem to handle double clicks, only single clicks.
I am subscribing to the mouse MouseDoubleClick event. I single click seems to work when I click inside the empty rectangle, however a double click does not work. I cannot really compare it to the demo that you linked me to as it doesnt seem to handle double clicks, only single clicks.
Hi Brett,
When you double click on a RadDiagramConnection you actually activate the edit mode of that control. In edit mode you are able to enter text on top of the control.
Pavel R. Pavlov
When you double click on a RadDiagramConnection you actually activate the edit mode of that control. In edit mode you are able to enter text on top of the control.
Pavel R. Pavlov
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answered on 16 Mar 2014, 10:25 PM
I dont think that you are understanding the problem. I double click in the middle of a Arrow5Filled ​SourceCapType and the double click event is fired. I double click in the middle of a Arrow5 ​SourceCapType and the double click event is NOT fired. I need the Arrow5 to behave the same as the Arrow5Filled.
Hi Brett,
The problem is that when you click inside the empty rectangle no mouse event is fired(as far as I tested no doubleClick or mouseDown events) and that's why you'll have to use some thing else.
I think that the best way to do this is to handle the RadDiagram's MouseDoubleClick event and check if there's a connection around the mouse:
(Note: you could try other methods from the hitTestService if you want - GetItemsNearPoint, GetTopItemNearPoint and etc.)
I hope I was able to help you and if you need further assistance feel free to ask.
The problem is that when you click inside the empty rectangle no mouse event is fired(as far as I tested no doubleClick or mouseDown events) and that's why you'll have to use some thing else.
I think that the best way to do this is to handle the RadDiagram's MouseDoubleClick event and check if there's a connection around the mouse:
sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
var point =
var connection =
Rect(point.X - 2, point.Y - 2, 4, 4)).FirstOrDefault();
(connection !=
I hope I was able to help you and if you need further assistance feel free to ask.
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answered on 19 Mar 2014, 10:05 PM
Hmm not the cleanest solution.
Why does the Arrow5Filled source cap type fire the double click event? Is it because it has a filled background? Would it be possible to customise the Arrow5 source cap type and give it a background color (white) so it works the same way?
Why does the Arrow5Filled source cap type fire the double click event? Is it because it has a filled background? Would it be possible to customise the Arrow5 source cap type and give it a background color (white) so it works the same way?
Hi Brett,
Yes, the Arrow5Filled cap fires a double click event because the PathFigure that is generated for it has its IsFilled property set to True. At the moment you can't customize the Arrow5 cap to have a white/transparent background (there's a Customizable Caps feature request in our FeedbackPortal) but you can do this with the Arrow5Filled type - you could always use Arrow5Filled cap but change the connections' background to transparent for some of them. Visually this:
will look like this:
Note: if you se a background to a connection both of its caps will you it as fill color.
I hope I was able to help you and if you have more questions feel free to ask.
Yes, the Arrow5Filled cap fires a double click event because the PathFigure that is generated for it has its IsFilled property set to True. At the moment you can't customize the Arrow5 cap to have a white/transparent background (there's a Customizable Caps feature request in our FeedbackPortal) but you can do this with the Arrow5Filled type - you could always use Arrow5Filled cap but change the connections' background to transparent for some of them. Visually this:
I hope I was able to help you and if you have more questions feel free to ask.
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