Before when I work company I used Wpf RadControl.
but this day at another part i think i need to use winform control.
but radcontrol for winform dosn have raddataform..
i think raddataform is good than property grid..
because i used AutoGeneratingField at raddataform..
but propertygrid dosn have AutoGeneratingField.
just i want know will you have a plan to make raddataform at winform...
Before when I work company I used Wpf RadControl.
but this day at another part i think i need to use winform control.
but radcontrol for winform dosn have raddataform..
i think raddataform is good than property grid..
because i used AutoGeneratingField at raddataform..
but propertygrid dosn have AutoGeneratingField.
just i want know will you have a plan to make raddataform at winform...